Hrdwrk Electrolyte Review

Overall Score

Last Updated October 31, 2021
  • Effectiveness 85% 85%
  • Flavor 55% 55%
  • Ingredients 100% 100%

Key Takeaways


Great for Morning Workouts

Reviewers found it very effective when taking before a morning workout, reporting significantly higher energy levels.


Contains Branched-Chain Amino Acids

BCAA’s are proven to reduce muscle fatigue during workouts.


Impressive Value

One package has sixty servings which is 2x the servings of many other brands in the same price range.

sugar free


low calorie

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Hrdwrk, formerly Hydrolyte, is a sugar-free electrolyte mix founded by Mina Elias, an amateur MMA fighter and chemical engineer who wasn’t satisfied with the other supplements on the market. The company’s mission is “providing affordable, clinically-dosed supplements to athletes.”

 HrdWrk contains sufficient quantities of the necessary electrolytes such as sodium, magnesium and potassium. One of the biggest distinguishing factors is the inclusion of amino acids including the three that are collectively known as Branched-Chain Amino Acids (BCAAs). BCAAs can serve as a source of energy and prevent muscle fatigue during workouts. This is especially helpful during morning workouts before breakfast when the body may not have sufficient energy reserves to fuel the activity. 

This electrolyte combination was a home run for the majority of our reviewers and was especially effective as a pre-workout. One reviewer said “HrdWrk is now an indispensable part of my routine (outside of other product testing). My best days start with a glass of HrdWrk and then a session in the gym.”

Hrdwrk is a great option for active individuals desiring a product with minimal added ingredients and the extra energy boost from amino acids. 


The majority of reviewers who tested Hrdwrk reported a strong effect, especially when it was taken before workouts. Other reviewers noted a lesser effect, but still reported improved physical results over drinking plain water.

Those individuals with positive reviews reported better energy during cardio workouts and higher performance during weightlifting. Some were convinced the mix included caffeine because their energy levels during and even after the workouts were so much higher. 

“After the second time taking HrdWrk before a workout I went right into my kitchen to study the label because I was convinced there was a stimulant hiding in ingredient list.”  

A few of these reviewers have completely adopted the product into their routine when they are not testing other electrolytes. This is the highest praise that can be bestowed in a HR product review. 


Hrdwork is available in three “flavors”: Blue Razz, Mango Pineapple and unflavored. HydrationReview only tested unflavored. That’s right, no added sweeteners or flavor whatsoever. The reviewers described Hrdwrk as having a neutral and tart flavor that was appreciated by some and unpleasant for others.

 Some reviewers had trouble getting past the flavor and admitted that it probably biased their perceptions of the effect. Individuals who think they’d struggle with a flavorless electrolyte mix should consider a flavored option instead.

There is also an “energizer” version available that contains caffeine and other stimulants for a more traditional pre-workout experience. This version is only available in Tropical Fruit Punch.


Hrdwrk claims to be formulated by a chemist and chemical engineer, then reviewed by an MD and a clinical dietitian. The website also cites research backing each of the ingredients included in their formulas. 

HydrationReview checked out the research and found it valid but none of the studies actually used HrdWrk, only ingredients included in the formula. HydrationReview did not include any unhealthy ingredients therefore it received a perfect score in this category. HrdWrk claims that their products have “No fillers or pointless ingredients.” We agree with that statement.

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